Submitting artists and artworks
We don't know the exact weight of artwork we want to sell. Why should we mention this parameter?
It is important to note the weight of the artwork in order for us to calculate the shipping costs correctly.
Can we sell artworks by Artists that have passed away?
No, in accordance to Terms and Conditions all art exhibited for selling must be by living artists. However, you can still add these artworks to the platform for portfolio and inspiration purposes. In this case, during the last step of an ...
Can I still register my Gallery at, even though we are already represented in other sites and marketplaces?
Yes, we are happy you are choosing to extend your reach also at our site! Just make sure to keep the prices for the artworks the same as in other platforms.
Can we publish Artwork that is not meant to be sold, but to represent the portfolio of the Artist and our Gallery?
Yes, absolutely! You can do it in the last step when uploading an artwork. In the section “Price & Availability” under “Artwork availability” choose the option “Not for sale”. This will also be indicated next to the artwork, so the artwork is visible ...
Can we indicate the price in USD or other currency?
Please indicate prices in EUR. As is operating worldwide, we have the option for the buyer to switch to preferred currency and the system will recalculate price in accordance to the currency rate. This means that a slight price difference ...
We would like to indicate the price as UNDER REQUEST, do you provide such functionality?
No, we encourage artists and galleries to indicate the price already upon adding the Artwork for sale.
I am an owner of a Gallery, but I’m also an Artist myself. Can I use one LogIn or should I create separate profiles?
You can use the same e-mail address for LogIn, but you should register yourself two times - both as an Artist and as a Gallery. Then you will be able to easily switch between the Gallery and Artist profiles by clicking on your profile picture ...
What if Artist my Gallery is representing is already registered at
You don't have to register the artist again - simply add his profile to your gallery. You can do it by clicking on the artist's name. Just double-check to add the correct artist!
How many artists and artworks can I publish in my Galleries profile?
You can publish an unlimited amount of artists and artworks.
Do I have to pay any subscription fee for the services of
No! The usage of the platform is completely free of charge, however we do take a commission from every sold artwork. There are additional services available (e.g. a photographer on request in order to prepare the photos needed for opening an online ...